Unsubscribe php/dat help


New Member
Hi there,

I know you have answered a million questions regarding your unsubscribe scripts.
I cant seem to get mine working using our ftp site.

After reading around I believe i need to change the unsubscribe.php file to CHMOD 666.... is this right? If so just exactly how do i do that?

From there i upload the 2 files dat & php to our ftp site? And use that as the unsubscribe address?
http://www.aboutsignsftp.co.uk/unsubscribe.php?email= ENTER TAG

As it stands i have placed this text into my email using text/html.
When i test the email nothing happens what soever, i cant even click the unsubscribe link???

Any help Thanks Again

Operating system is mac 10.4 (bit old)


Staff member
To CHMOD a file use your FTP program. All FTP clients allow you to CHMOD files. It uses to be the Edit|Get Info menu.


New Member
Ok thats great i managed to change usix to 666.

However when i test the email the link still does not work!?
Any suggestions

How would i know if i have php 4 or later?

Thanks again


Staff member
With your link blow I get 'The requested script /unsubscribe.php was not found on this server.' Are you sure the URL is correct?


Staff member
This URL is not a HTTP URL. I need you to send me the HTTP URL. Ours is 'http://www.maxprog.com/scripts/unsubscribe/demo/unsubscribe.php?email=<ADDRESS_HERE>'


New Member
Ok my link on the email now clicks, i had my html code wrong :-s

However still cant access any of the php/dat files on the server....

Any ideas

Sorry Mike


Staff member
Of course it has one. You have to use the HTTP link that corresponds to that FTP location.


New Member
Im going to place the files on our webspace instead.

All i know is every location address given on our ftp site begins with ftp..
Just doesn't work with http.
Mainly because some ftp site are just simply storage sites, they are not neccesarily live....... Guess this is the case for me.

Thanks for your help so far
Im sure you will here from me soon... :p


New Member
hi there

just trcking back and checking if what we are doing is correct. One small thing we are not familiar with is this
" A current version of PHP 4 or higher (version 4 or better)."

What is PHP 4 please?
Do we need to download any software? Where from?



Staff member
PHP is the language interpreter that will run the script code. You will find out if it is installed when running the script


New Member
how will i know this please.

is there any way of checking? will the screen go blue, will it tell us we have this missing.

Any more help would be good



Staff member
If no PHP interpreter running you will see the script code in plain text else you will get the expected behavior or an error.