I have a farily simple layout. It includes an unordered list. For some reason that I cannot figure, the first bullet appears when I view the page in FireFox. But when I copy and paste the HTML into a MaxBulk Mailer (Pro), send the email out. The copy I get is missing the first bullet.
version: MaxBulk Mailer 4.4.2
Email client: Entourage 11.2.4
Mac OS: 10.4.6
Created with Dreamweaver 8
I even validated this code at the W3C and it passed XHTML Transitional.
Here is the code in question:
Wondering if the image in the first list item is messing things up?
Thanks in advance.
version: MaxBulk Mailer 4.4.2
Email client: Entourage 11.2.4
Mac OS: 10.4.6
Created with Dreamweaver 8
I even validated this code at the W3C and it passed XHTML Transitional.
Here is the code in question:
<li class="ordered_list"><img src="http://www.priscillac.com/ezine/usmail/mailbox.jpg" alt="Direct Mail" width="167" height="127" align="right" class="img_paddingLT" />98% of consumers bring in their mail the day it’s delivered.</li>
<li class="ordered_list">77% of those consumers sort through their mail immediately.</li>
<li class="ordered_list">Consumers spend an average of 30 minutes reading their mail on any given occasion.</li>
Wondering if the image in the first list item is messing things up?
Thanks in advance.