Trouble DLing Flickr / impawards


New Member
Hey guys, love the idea of the program, but it isn't really working on any of the sites I was hoping it would work for. I purchased the full program, but don't necessarily want my money back, I don't mind supporting a program like this that has a lot of promise. Having said that, I cannot download anything I want from these sites:

I have reset the settings and everything, but, the program just says "[0]waiting" or similar. Like here: ... 212542664/

I want to download all of the pictures in that set of this cosplay model. But when I enter that URL, or anything else from flickr for that matter, NOTHING HAPPENS. When I reset the settings, it downloads a bunch of crap I don't want, and goes "back" towards root directories. I only want it to go deeper, because I only really wanted those pictures. To top it off, Web Dumper crashes after about 30 seconds and gives me 30 to 50 runtime error popups that freeze my computer, but I'm making another thread for that.

The other thing I wanted to do was download posters from like these ones:

I would hope it would get the one on that page, and catch all of the ones on the bottom that are linked to. But it doesn't. It gets only the poster on that page and everything else says '[0] waiting' or '[1] waiting' or '[2] waiting' or '[3] waiting' etc, etc.

Worse yet, I put this into web dumper:

And Web Dumper says "Type: Forbidden , size: [Error 403]" ... needless to say I would hope this is fixed in subsequent releases of Web Dumper, or else I am not going to continue to pay for these programs until I know they WORK. I am posting this in dire hope that I am somehow "doing it wrong" and Web Dumper can actually dump the pictures/media from the sites I want it to.

Please help in this matter as I REALLY REALLY want to like this program, as it has the best interface of all of the "web dumper" software titles and is the easiest to use, the only one with its own forum, and seemingly active moderators helping its paying customers.

I am running version 2.4.1 on Windows Vista with all the latest service packs and updates. Please help! And Thanks for your time!


Staff member
Have you tried to open the preferences and click on the 'Factory default' button?


New Member
First, Are you referring to the "Factory Settings" button in the preferences? I do not see a factory default button.

If so, I already tried that, as specified in my post. I said "When I reset the settings, it downloads a bunch of crap I don't want, and goes "back" towards root directories." This is because, as you know, it de-ticks the "Go Deeper Only" option and starts downloading stuff in previous directories I don't want.

Did you try the links I gave and did they dump successfully to your machine? All the high res pictures linked deeper in the webpage?


Staff member
I tried ... 212542664/ and it seems to me it works as usual. After a few seconds I already have more than 200 files downloaded. Anyway I have real doubts you will get things easily in flickr. The system uses delocalized servers, lot of directories and so. You never have simple URLs with directories full of pictures.


New Member
ok.... right here is a problem.... why can't I download ONE file from: ??? The program never crashes, but it never does anything either. Not a single file.... it shows '/photos/pamelaneko/sets/72157600212542664/' Size: '[0] waiting...'

I even turned off my firewall. What could possibly be the problem? Are you using factory settings? Does it matter what protocol I'm using? (It defaults to 'Mozilla/3.0 (Macintosh; I; PPC)')...


Staff member
I use all defaults here on a clean Vista 64bits with last updates and Kapersky anti-virus. With 'Clean' I mean the computer only contains the operating system and no software has never been installed.

Try to use less threads. Open the preferences and lower the thread number. I have seen cases where problems where fixed that way. You can even try with a single thread. It will be slower though.