Transaction type list edit in 7.5.4


Hi Stan, I am not anymore able to edit and customize the "Transaction Type" list in 7.5.4. (bottom of Transaction pane)

Before the content text was editable, and I could add items.

How shall we do it now?


Staff member
Just right click on the transaction type control right side. You will get an 'Edit' menu.


Works perfectly, and available for most items in the bottom "Transaction" entry form. Amazing that I didn't notice this before, or is it a 7.5.4 new feature?

Only caveat is that still any modification in the text/order/visibility in the "Transaction type" menu might create a mess in the queries that are using "Transaction Type". All such queries will have to be updated manually because they might then point to the wrong item.


Staff member
Only caveat is that still any modification in the text/order/visibility in the "Transaction type" menu might create a mess in the queries that are using "Transaction Type". All such queries will have to be updated manually because they might then point to the wrong item.
Can you give me more info about this problem? Some simple example I use to reproduce the problem here?


Staff member
Nothing has changed actually :-/ ... the transaction type is an indexed list, it is not a good idea to rename 'Refund', 'Incomes' for example. This is because of the index. You can rename the list but not fully change the meaning especially in the case above. This is a design limitation.


Well, if one knows the limitation then it is not a big deal to check if all queries are still valid after reshuffling the type. It needs to be done carefully, but still very much possible :)


Staff member
Yes. At the beginning the transaction type list was fixed and by design. The possibility to rename the type has still this limitation.