Hi there, How can I use tokens like {hi|hello|hi there}
M maya New Member Mar 13, 2013 #3 Tokens. This is the most professional text rotation, let me give another example of tokens: {hi|hello|hi there} {My name is|I'm|} {Maya|Jim} the result will be random like this: Hi My name is Maya Hello My name is Jim Hi I'm Jim etc
Tokens. This is the most professional text rotation, let me give another example of tokens: {hi|hello|hi there} {My name is|I'm|} {Maya|Jim} the result will be random like this: Hi My name is Maya Hello My name is Jim Hi I'm Jim etc
stanbusk Administrator Staff member Mar 14, 2013 #4 It looks like some kind of spamming feature, doesn't it? Why do you want to do that? Note that I have no problem to add features!
It looks like some kind of spamming feature, doesn't it? Why do you want to do that? Note that I have no problem to add features!
M maya New Member Mar 14, 2013 #5 Then try to send 500email to yahoo with same text you will see then your email text will be block.
M maya New Member Mar 21, 2013 #7 I use this, but yahoo gmail blocks my words if send more then 300-400
M maya New Member Mar 29, 2013 #9 no, only the text go to spam, what to inform you that I have clear ip and clear text
M maya New Member Mar 29, 2013 #10 Ps.also when the software send emails and click cancel the software move slow slow..
stanbusk Administrator Staff member Apr 2, 2013 #11 The software tries to cancel the connections. You can see that in the delivery panel. It tries to close the connections gracefully not just by hanging them. That has a cost, what you see...
The software tries to cancel the connections. You can see that in the delivery panel. It tries to close the connections gracefully not just by hanging them. That has a cost, what you see...
stanbusk Administrator Staff member Apr 3, 2013 #13 Do you means the {hi|hello|hi there} format? How does it works, aleatory or one after the other?
M maya New Member Apr 4, 2013 #14 aleatory {hi|hello|hi there} John, output can be hi John hi there john hi John . etc.