The bounce back email message shows my office mail server??


New Member

Its me again. I recently tried to use the demo version from my workplace. Sent out about 50 emails (using relay SMTP server of my hosting company) and get 5 bounce back message "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender"..

At first i ignore the messages, but i noticed when i read it, the messages show my work mail server info, i.e:

Is this normal as i am not suppose to involve office's mail server in this at all..!!

Does that means whenever i sent the mails, your program actualy use my office mai server rather than the specified SMTP relay..?


Staff member
Re: The bounce back email message shows my office mail serve

MaxBulk Mailer uses the server you set in the 'Settings' panel.

Bounces may include all kind of data about the delivery. That doesn't mean that data is visible to your recipients.