text not coming through right


New Member
We've been copying and pasting text from a Word document into MaxBulk Mailer, and random letters in random words will either be dropped completely or there will be a box in it's place. There is no consistancy between emails as to which letters this is happening to. We've tried changing the font in MB M and in MS Word. We've also tried saving the Word doc as a .txt file and then copy and pasting and that doesn't work either. The text looks fine before we send it, but it's in the sent email that we find the "errors". What can we do to fix this problem. It's getting extremely annoying and is taking up too much time trying to problem solve.

We're using a MAC. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. The settings are Styled Text.

thank you.


Staff member
The problem is Word. When you copy and paste text from that application to MaxBulk you also copy dozens of invisible control characters that will scramble the style text to HTML convertor. Try to compose your text with MaxBulk and use MaxBulk formatting tool or use TextEdit.


New Member
The copy is already written in Word when we receive it, we're not composing it as we go. That's why I was hoping that saving it as a .txt file would strip it of all the preformated things that Word likes to put in.

Are there any other suggestions that might work?



Staff member
The best is to use BBEdit, TextWrangler or any text editor to remove all control characters. The problem is that you will also loose all formatting. You can try with TextEdit as well. It should preserve your formatting.