Text/HTML Image Problem in Preview


New Member

I'm very very new at this. Just got the MAC version. I'm trying to test out the text/html option. I created a very basic html doc. in Dreamweaver CS3, I inserted an image and some text, it all looked fine. When I insert the html doc into my message and previewed it, the image doesn't show up, just a question mark. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have a mailing coming up soon.



Staff member
Make sure the HTML code referencing the picture uses an absolute URL to the file on your site.


New Member
problem with html, does not show in message preview

Hi, Just like fmedrano, Im having the same problem in my Mac as well. Please help. I do not understand your reply of "absolute URL to the site of your file" can you please explain more. Im just a beginner. I just configured my setttings and Thank God I can send texts, but cannot send html. file does not show pictures. HELP!!!