About salestax (VAT) I am,(as I found on this forum), able to query for all sales and incomes that are affected by sales tax. However, I am unable to see the total of those. Also, the figures seem to incorrectly affect my total budget.
I have 5000.
I buy something for 500 (25% tax, 400+100)
I then sell it for 650 (25% tax, 520+130)
My total budget shows as 5150. when in fact its 5120.
While I can accept this. Since in reality I do Have 5150 in my register, without a way to search for taxes or have some way of showing how much I Owe or can Write Off, this program really offers very little help as bookkeeping for businesses.
I am quite happy with the program otherwise and will use it for my private economy anyway, but it does seem a little pricy if I am unable to use it for my business-bookkeeping.
Is there a way to find the information I need or are there plans to implement them in the near future?
About salestax (VAT) I am,(as I found on this forum), able to query for all sales and incomes that are affected by sales tax. However, I am unable to see the total of those. Also, the figures seem to incorrectly affect my total budget.
I have 5000.
I buy something for 500 (25% tax, 400+100)
I then sell it for 650 (25% tax, 520+130)
My total budget shows as 5150. when in fact its 5120.
While I can accept this. Since in reality I do Have 5150 in my register, without a way to search for taxes or have some way of showing how much I Owe or can Write Off, this program really offers very little help as bookkeeping for businesses.
I am quite happy with the program otherwise and will use it for my private economy anyway, but it does seem a little pricy if I am unable to use it for my business-bookkeeping.
Is there a way to find the information I need or are there plans to implement them in the near future?