Swf flash and html


New Member
I need to send mails with swf flash embeding in HTML, is it possible?, How can I do it? Thanks in advance :)


Staff member
You can send messages with embedded flash animations but they will not work as there is not a single email reader able to show such kind of content.


New Member
Hmmm, I'd have to disagree with that I'm afraid...
I've successfully sent swf within email...
I embedded the swf into an html page, then copied the code into the email message as html (obviously! :D ) ... the swf was stored on a webserver, but the email program read the code and displayed the swf...

I have to say it was received on a Mac in Apple Mail, however I seem to remember doing tests with a client a while back and it displayed on a PC as well...

It's how I send out all my email Christmas cards!
Always worth putting a plain text link into the email as well, in case people can't see the swf...
Hope this helps... I can provide the html code I used if it is useful...


Staff member
Personally I have never seen a Flash animation running in Mail nor Entourage not Outlook. Perhaps you installed the Flash pluggin in your Mail App in some way? Or perhaps you sent a Quicktime version of your falsh animation.


New Member
Ahhh, ok, having had a play with it today, I have to admit I can't get Outlook or Thunderbird to display Flash content!

Apple mail doesn't have a flash plug in or anything like that (that I am aware of!) ... it just does it! ... ahh well...

I have no idea how we achieved flash in an email when I was working it out with the client... I remember the client went away happy - unfortunately I don't have any more time at the moment. All my research would agree with you Stanbusk - it can't be done! moral- don't argue with the man who knows! :D

If I find anything out I'll post a reply!


New Member
Nope, the files embedded were pure flash...

Here is the portion of the email reproduced below...
As I mention, this worked for me in Apple Mail, but I can't get it to go now in the others.! :(

Thanks for your comments

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

Sample message with Flash content.... Received here in Apple mail fine... just testing the PC's at the moment!<br>
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="500" height="320">
<param name="movie" value="new.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<embed src="http://www.odihamscouts.org.uk/email/new.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="320"></embed>


Staff member
That works on Mail but you are not using a Flash animation directly but you are loading a viewer first. I did not know that could be done that way. Now, I have no idea why it works on some places and not on others.


New Member
Sorry, I'm not sure I follow what you mean when you say I am loading a viewer...
The Flash appears in the middle of my email, without leaving the mail program. I just wish I could work out how we had this working last year... I'm sure it was fine in the PC we used... but I can't get it to work now. It still relied on the end user having html turned on as an option for email receipt...

Ahh well, will have another look at it when I have time... if I could crack it, I think i would be very popular!! :D
