Suggestions how to find duplicates in 10 emails lists



I have about 10 lists and it seems some email addresses are in more than one list so recipients are getting several copies of the newsletter.

What is the best way to find dupe emails in multi files?

I have most of your progs, maybne one of those?




Staff member
Right now there is automatic way to check duplicates from multiple lists. That could be a feature request.


Thanks Stan,

I guess you meant that there is 'no' way to find and delete dupes at the moment.

I will request it for a look at a future version as I think it is a worthwhile option to have. Recipients hate to get multiple copies of newsletters and some have requested unsubscription because of it.

In the meantime this is what I did..

Loaded each list into Max one by one and exported just the email to a text file named the same as the list so I could keep track of things.

I used a program called ExamDiff where you can choose two files and it loades them in a panel each side and highlites the differences or the same whatever you choose.

I deleted the address from the lists I did not want it to be in and after checking each list against each other, had all lists without any dupes..

While I fixed this okay.. I am still a little lost with parts of the online MLM, but I will create another post for that.




Staff member
I have added your feature request to the list. I will see how I can do that duplicate checking.


Unless I am mis-understanding this can already be done fairly easily.
1- load and save each list with a unique name
2- In the recipients list pull down, go down to multiple lists, and then check each list one by one, allowing each list to fully load. Any duplicate email addy's will not be added.

The only problem sometimes is if one list has the correct name, and another list has either no name or an incorrect name, the resulting list after all imports will only have the name found with the first instance of each address. The only way around this I have found is bring the lists into excel and sort by email address, then delete the wrong/missing names.

Actually, this is also the same as if you imported each list from a separate text file, it will automatically exclude dupes.

Like I said first, unless I'm missing something... :shock:

mailrock said:
In the meantime this is what I did..

Loaded each list into Max one by one and exported just the email to a text file named the same as the list so I could keep track of things.

I used a program called ExamDiff where you can choose two files and it loades them in a panel each side and highlites the differences or the same whatever you choose.

I deleted the address from the lists I did not want it to be in and after checking each list against each other, had all lists without any dupes..