Suggestions for import


New Member

I'm a new and very satisfied new user of iCash, so thanks very much for this product!

I couple of questionsor maybe suggestions ;-?

1. I would like to import transactions into the schedule. However there are no import/export buttons unfortunately?

2. In the schedule I would like to forecast the balance and maybe even sort the future transaction manually by drag and drop?

3. The import module should allow me to manipulate certain data in the bank text file, i.e. exchange 1000 with bankaccount1



New Member
stanbusk said:
About #1, we could add import / export.

About #2 and #3, can you explain?

Unfortunately my bank does not produce usable statements about transactions that have been executed. I therefore use an export from a tool which I use to schedule payments instead. The program is called PayMaker and it has an export routine for iCash, however the routine is very limited.

So I would like to import the data from PayMaker into iCash but obviously not into Transactions as the transactions are at that point only scheduled and not executed. So I would like to import the scheduled payments into the respective module. That's for number 1.

For number 2: I think if I actively use that Scheduled Payments feature (sorry if this is not the right word, I'm using the german interface...), I would like to make the maximum use out of it. I.e. by forecasting the accounts balance based on scheduled payments (number 2). And try different scenarios by drag and dropping payments in a different order (number 3).

Does that make sense?
