Suggestion: Integrated Calculator and Monthly Budget


New Member
Can we have integrated calculator as in Microsoft Money? I have difficulty enter transaction which requires a bit calculation.

Another suggestion is can we have budget plan on monthly basis? I normally plan monthly but iCash only supports annually


Huu Bang


Staff member
The amount field already has access to a calculator just press the blue text above the amount field. You can do monthly budgets, one budget per month actually.


New Member
1) Wow. It's like a hidden feature for me! Can the UI be more intuitive?
2) I still don't get you. Let say I spend 20$ for food Weekly and 30$ for telephone monthly. I want the amount appearing in the Monthly Total in Budget is 20x4 + 30 = 110 (assuming 1 month = 4weeks). But as for now, it displays only 30$ for monthly total and 20$ seperately for weekly total. How to get the sum for each of the period?