Subscribe Tag

I want to add a Subscribe tag
There isn't one in the tags list
I found the code but cannot see how/where to add it



Staff member
You could use something like: ... ribe&list=[List name]&email=[E-mail Address]

or if you use the Styled text format:

<a href="[List name]&email=[E-mail Address]">Subscribe</a>

You have to be careful to select a list before sending because the URL uses the [List name] tag.

You could also send your possible subscribers to any of the subscription templates you have in 'lm/html/' or select the 'Recipient > Upload' to MLM menu and choose to send a subscription invitation, that way the link will be created automatically.
i never did say thanks for your response
so sorry about that
i always appreciate your advice
although this one went a teeny bit over my head
i kinda get it but really and truly i'm not techy enough to do it without messing it up!!!

Terrell Smith

New Member
Thanks for the question and reply.

I tried the script you suggested

<a href="http://[MYDOMAINHERE]/MaxMailer/lm/lm.php?cmd=subscribe&list=[List name]&email=[E-mail Address]">Subscribe</a>

but when clicked on it gives the following error message:

Error - You forgot to provide the email address parameter: &email=emailaddress

The tag in my Recipients list does have the E-mail Address. Shouldn't that be picked up? If I look at the link generated, the email address is correctly at the end of the link string.

http://[MYDOMAIN is here]/MaxMailer/lm/lm.php?tk=[MaxMailerCode is here]==&url=http%3A%2F%2F[MYDOMAIN is here]%2FMaxMailer%2Flm%2Flm.php%3Fcmd%3Dsubscribe%26list%3D[LISTNAME is here]&email=[the E-mail Address is here]

What am I doing wrong? Is something wrong on the server? Thanks.


Staff member
It looks correct to me. Are you clicking on the link in the preview panel or in your email reader?

Terrell Smith

New Member
I tried it both ways, in Preview window, as well as sending an actual email message and clicking on the message in Apple Mail, and got the same error message both times.

The URL it goes to is:

http://[MYDOMAIN is here]/MaxMailer/lm/lm.php?cmd=subscribe&list=Testing%20Only

"Testing%20Only" is the list name I'm using.

Perhaps one of the scripts isn't working correctly? Maybe I corrupted it?