Styled Text...


New Member

When i'm using styled text and make a word or sentence bold, or smaller it doesn't effect the whole word/sentance... eg.

"This is a test paragraph with bold and different styles.

Next paragraph with a smaller font."

But shows like

"This is a test paragraph with bold and different styles.

Next paragraph with a smaller font.

in the preview window...


New Member
yup, If i send the email a view the source code I can see that the html which has been produced is sticking the tags in the wrong places, looks fine in the edit window, but not it the preview window or as said the email.


Staff member
Have you pasted the text form other application? Are you using ISO-8889-1 encoding?


New Member
I wasn't using that encoding, but now changed that, but before I did that closing the document down and re-opening sorted the problem, don't know why i didn't try that before...
