

New Member
I really don't know how to get this up and running. This is the message I get:

[01] 9/8 17:12:15 ~ Status: Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 9/8 17:12:15 --> Connecting socket [1] with 1 entries to Port:25
[00] 9/8 17:12:15 +OK POP3 2007b.104 server ready
[00] 9/8 17:12:15 > USER [email protected]
[00] 9/8 17:12:15 +OK User name accepted, password please
[00] 9/8 17:12:15 > PASS ****
[00] 9/8 17:12:16 +OK Mailbox open, 2118 messages
[00] 9/8 17:12:16 > QUIT
[01] 9/8 17:12:16 ~ Status: Connected
[00] 9/8 17:12:16 +OK Sayonara
[01] 9/8 17:12:16 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.1/8.13.1; Wed, 8 Sep 2010 17:11:30 +0200
[01] 9/8 17:12:16 > HELO []
[01] 9/8 17:12:16 250 Hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 9/8 17:12:16 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]>... Sender ok
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/1]
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 550 5.7.1 <[email protected]>... Relaying denied. Proper authentication required.
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 ~ Status: Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [1/1]
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 > EHLO []
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 Hello [], pleased to meet you
250 HELP
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 > AUTH LOGIN
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 > [email protected]
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[01] 9/8 17:12:17 > ****
[01] 9/8 17:12:19 535 5.7.0 authentication failed
[01] 9/8 17:12:19 ~ Status: Fatal error, giving up!
[00] 9/8 17:12:19 ~ Status: [-]
[00] 9/8 17:12:19 ~ Status: Closing all streams
[00] 9/8 17:12:19 ~ Status: Creating report...
[00] 9/8 17:12:19 ~ Status: Finishing...

MaxBulk Mailer Afleverings Rapport [#21] - 8-9-2010

Mailer versie: 6.6-NL Pro - Geregistreerd
Machine OS/snelheid: Windows Vista (SP2.0)/2.194Ghz

Streams: 5 [1 Gebruikt] Enkelvoudige Server
Aflever modus: Enkelvoudig (Markering verwerking AAN)

SMTP server adres: [Poort: Standaard] SSL Off
Controle: POP | []
Adres: [Poort: Standaard] SSL Off
Groepen: 3 [Interval: 00:01:00]

Afleverings start datum: 8-9-2010 om 17:12:15
Eind datum: 8-9-2010 om 17:12:19
Totale tijdsduur: 3 seconde(n) - Herhaalde pogingen: 1000/10
Snelheid: 0,33 geadresseerde(n)/seconde

tot een totaal van: 1 geadresseerden [1/1]
Lijst naam: onbekend
Verzonden: 0
Mislukt: 1 niet afgeleverd [Verbinding verbroken door server]
Fouten: 1

Bericht onderwerp: Test
Bericht prioriteit: Normaal
Bevestiging terugsturen: Nee
Mail formaat: Platte tekst | ISO-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Mail grootte: 4 Bytes (Bevat geen bijlagen)
Bijlagen: geen

[00] 9/8 17:12:19 ~ Status: Finished.

Can anyone help me?


Staff member
Your server says either or both your User ID and/or you password is/are wrong. Perhaps you should use 'info' for the Uaer ID.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. It did not work though. It looks to me like it did accept the login but it goes wrong after that. Is it a problem if I use my ISP's SMTP host and send without verification? This gives me this:

[01] 9/9 10:57:57 ~ Status: Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 9/9 10:57:57 --> Connecting socket [1] with 1 entries to Port:25
[01] 9/9 10:57:57 ~ Status: Connected
[01] 9/9 10:57:58 220 edge ESMTP server ready
[01] 9/9 10:57:58 > HELO []
[01] 9/9 10:57:58 250 hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 9/9 10:57:58 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 9/9 10:57:59 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]> sender ok
[01] 9/9 10:57:59 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/1]
[01] 9/9 10:57:59 250 2.1.5 <[email protected]> recipient ok
[01] 9/9 10:57:59 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[01] 9/9 10:57:59 250 2.0.0 4YxT1f00o0hvMm702YxUK1 message accepted for delivery
[01] 9/9 10:57:59 ~ Status: Stage 3 dispatch done [2/1]
[01] 9/9 10:57:59 > QUIT
[01] 9/9 10:58:00 221 2.0.0 edge closing connection
[01] 9/9 10:58:00 ~ Status: Stage 4 dispatch done [2/1]
[00] 9/9 10:58:00 ~ Status: [-]
[00] 9/9 10:58:00 ~ Status: Closing all streams
[00] 9/9 10:58:00 ~ Status: Creating report...
[00] 9/9 10:58:00 ~ Status: Sending report...
[01] 9/9 10:58:00 ~ Status: Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 9/9 10:58:00 --> Connecting socket [1] with 1 entries to Port:25
[01] 9/9 10:58:00 ~ Status: Connected
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 220 edge ESMTP server ready
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 > HELO []
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 250 hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 > MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 250 2.1.0 <[email protected]> sender ok
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 > RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [1/1]
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 250 2.1.5 <[email protected]> recipient ok
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 250 2.0.0 4YxV1f02G0hvMm702YxWRx message accepted for delivery
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 ~ Status: Stage 3 dispatch done [2/1]
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 > QUIT
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 221 2.0.0 edge closing connection
[01] 9/9 10:58:01 ~ Status: Stage 4 dispatch done [2/1]
[00] 9/9 10:58:01 ~ Status: [-]
[00] 9/9 10:58:01 ~ Status: Finishing...

MaxBulk Mailer Afleverings Rapport [#25] - 9-9-2010

Mailer versie: 6.6-NL Pro - Geregistreerd
Machine OS/snelheid: Windows Vista (SP2.0)/2.194Ghz

Streams: 5 [1 Gebruikt] Enkelvoudige Server
Aflever modus: Enkelvoudig (Markering verwerking AAN)

SMTP server adres: [Poort: Standaard] SSL Off
Controle: Geen | []
Groepen: 3 [Interval: 00:01:00]

Afleverings start datum: 9-9-2010 om 10:57:57
Eind datum: 9-9-2010 om 10:58:00
Totale tijdsduur: 2 seconde(n) - Herhaalde pogingen: 0/10
Snelheid: 1,00 geadresseerde(n)/seconde

tot een totaal van: 1 geadresseerden [1/1]
Lijst naam: onbekend
Verzonden: 1

Bericht onderwerp: Test
Bericht prioriteit: Normaal
Bevestiging terugsturen: Nee
Mail formaat: Platte tekst | ISO-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Mail grootte: 4 Bytes (Bevat geen bijlagen)
Bijlagen: geen

[00] 9/9 10:58:01 ~ Status: Finished.

I have not received the email to myself yet though after 5 minutes....


Staff member
This log shows how the message is successfully sent however you send a message to yourself. You don't need to authenticate in order to send a message to yourself. You will need to authenticate in order to send messages to others. Have you asked your server about the right User ID and password to use?


New Member
I tested it on my wife's email and it worked. Is it a problem to send it this way, without verification?


Staff member
Try without authentication. You should get lots of errors except if you are authenticated by IP.