Stopped using iCash - feature request


New Member

I am actually a registered user of iCash and I used to use it for about a month. I stopped using it for a very simple reason: I could not change the target account of multiple transactions at the same time.

That sounds trivial but when you donwload your statement in OFX from your bank all the transactions show up nicely in iCash with almost no effort. You can even sort by "Payee/Issuing" and in my case I have plenty transactions from the same like my local supermarket - I would assign all those to my "Food" target account BUT having to do this one by one is very cumbersome and that's why I stopped after about a month.

I've just downloaded v 3.3 but unfortunately this feature is still not available...Are there any plans to add this in version 4 and what is the expected release date?

Thanks for your info,


Staff member
Yes, that is supposed to be added to next v4. We expect to add a function to allow users to edit several transactions at the same time, a bit like editing songs in iTunes. Perhaps it will not be present on v4.0 but will in 4.1 or 4.2. It all depends on schedules.


New Member
Thank you very much for your reply. Would it be possible to give any rough indication of the timeline we're talking about here - 3 month, 1 year from now?



Staff member
There is two possible dates, june and october. We will release v4 as soon as it is ready.