Stats Mysteriously Stopped Appearing


New Member
i use mysql, or whatever the standard is when i did the manual install. but i just remembered that i switched off php4 (so only running php5) so that i could get my blog to work. would that effect stats?


Staff member
If you use mySQL to store your data that your comment about MLM stability should be changed to mySQL stability since all the data is stored on a server using mySQL. MLM only perform standard SQL queries. Running PHP 5 will not delete data but can have some effect. I wrote an entry about that in the MLM FAQ.


New Member
the only thing that has changed on my server is that i switched off php4. mysql has not changed. myseql is so widely used, as are php4 and 5, that it would seem strange for such a glaring problem to be caused by them, especially since they were working perfectly BEFORE i switched off php4. so i'm thinking it must be a bug with mlm and php4.


Staff member
If it were a bug with MLM I would have received at least more reports like yours. I did not. MLM only uses standard PHP and communicate with the mySQL server using standard SQL queries. MLM has no code and no commands to delete tables and no code and no commands to delete statistics except for the web interface where you can click on a delete icon and remove statistics.