Statistics (Tracking Clicks), Trial Version


New Member
Hello All,

Having read through the 7 pages on MLM, I didn't see my exact issue so hopefully it's OK to ask the following.

I'm interested in buying this program because of the click-through tracking. I haven't purchased the Pro version yet because I want to see how this function works.

MLM was installed using the Plain Text option. I think it was successfully installed because this link seems to work:

But when I sent a test email to myself then clicked on the clickable image links, they don't show up in Statistics (pie chart icon in MaxBulk Mailer).

The email was designed in Dreamweaver, it was set as Text/HTML. Click-through has been activated in Preferences and "Singly" is checked in "Settings".

And when I click on the MLM URL via Firefox and sign in, I get what you see in this screenshot which shows the number of clicks, openings and recipients.

But there are no stats in MaxBulk Mailer as you see in this second screenshot.

Is the tracking function not working fully because I'm still on the trial version? Or is something not right?

Would you please help me figure this out?

Thank you so very much!


Staff member
If you want to see the statistics for a delivery you have to check it in the list, selecting it is not enough.


New Member
In the Statistics screen, I selected Delivery 9 on the left side, it was an email that I clicked-through and did an Unsubscribe. The Unsubscribe worked really well, I got all the emails associated unsubscribing. Yet, neither the Unsubscribe or the Clicks registered as you can see from this screenshot:

Also, for Delivery #9, I got this in my email but when I went to and logged into the Statistics area, no info was available for that delivery.

So even though this is a Trial Version, Statistics should be working? And if it's not working for some other reason, can someone please help me figure out how to fix this issue?



New Member
I'm so sorry and terribly embarrassed, the issue's been resolved. I didn't realize I had to check the box. Thank you.


New Member
I clicked mine and I still don't see any statistics, see the attached screen picture below. Is there any settings that has to be set? Or anything else. What am I doing wrong?


Staff member
Did you sent your message with the Singly option checked? IS the MLM URL valid? Is the tracking activated?