New Member
When I copy the below URL on my browser with the password in text replacing the *****, the URL seems to work ... ml&lang=us
However when I click on the stats menu button on my mac book pro, I get an error in a popup window saying URL is not valid and the URL is of the type ... ml&lang=us
We reinstalled MLM (this time using plain text option and not MySQL). Installation had no errors. But I am having the same issue.
Tracking clicks and email opens is very important for me, without which I will not be able to use your software. Thanks in advance for your help.
Nina ... ml&lang=us
However when I click on the stats menu button on my mac book pro, I get an error in a popup window saying URL is not valid and the URL is of the type ... ml&lang=us
We reinstalled MLM (this time using plain text option and not MySQL). Installation had no errors. But I am having the same issue.
Tracking clicks and email opens is very important for me, without which I will not be able to use your software. Thanks in advance for your help.