Some receipients receive one mailing several times!


New Member

I had this one problem several times. Sometimes not...
When I send out my newsletter, Max Bulk sends me a first transmittion report after while, which says that for example 50% of the recipients received my mail succesfully, the other 50% not. So Max Bulk sends out the mail to the other 50% again and then maybe another xx % were succesfully and some not again. This process continues several times until Status is finished!

Normally you would think Max Bulk only sends to those addresses once again, who didn't get the mail sucesfully. But after each newsletter, several people tell me that they received the same mail 4 to 8 times! This is very bad for me as some of the customers/people don't want to receive my newsletter anymore just because of this reason. I hope I can find a way to solve this problem, otherwise I'd have to look for another mailing program. I hope someone can help me.

Settings: Mails are grouped to 50 recipients, intervall 11 seconds.

Thank you in advance


Staff member
Do you mean you are loosing the connections during the delivery? The server is closing the connection on you? Are you using one single connection? Is the Singly option checked? I would bet the problem here is your server not accepting well the settings you are using. Duplicate deliveries is extremely weird anyway.


New Member

thanks for your reply.
I'm not sure if I am loosing the connection. Maybe because of the screensaver or anything?
The single option isn't checked, but the same happened also when I did a try with this option.
I send in groups of 50 recipients / Intervall 11seconds and 25 connections to the server. Maybe I should try just one connection!?

Thanks a lot


Staff member
Yes, try with one single connection and the singly option checked. Singly option forces MaxBulk Mailer to send one single message per recipient.


New Member
Thanks, I will try that.
But I also had this bad experience when I had the singly option marked. (But with 25 connections). I can just try it once more with just 1 connection.