Re: Can't see list in MLM Stats
and on it goes..
To hopefully make it easier for you to diagnose..
When I put the init script in the browser I get this
Error - Impossible to create the database or the table.
[mySQL server connection error]
I notice in phpmyadmin there are no tables in the db.
To lm.php I just get the html 'Main Menu' with the New,Upload and Find links
When I to create a new list.. I get
Error - Server problem when reading list. [:]
When I try to Upload.. I get
0 address(es) have been uploaded to '2016-list-Spring-Oct16'.
MLM has found 0 duplicate(s) and 0 bad address(es).
My host now uses Maria db.
When I go to Upload a list to MLM from within MB, I get the Upload panel but even though I have uploaded the list, in the 'To' area, I always only get 'New List'.
Via ftp I see the files in the Upload directory.. Not sure why there are 2 though..
2016-list-Spring-Oct16 74,294
2016-list-Spring-Oct16.mbm 261.098
I checked the .mbm list and it is correct one with 998 people in this list.
When I try the Upload to MLM
'An error ocurred during the list upload process'
I have copied/pasted the URL in Preferences to the browser and it gets me to the MLM, panel but no lists show.
Diagnosts gives..
#1 mysqli_connect( localhost, starreco_mine, password, starreco_newsletter )
-> Connection error
-> Check your server address and credentials in lm_settings.php
I have checked many times and I cannot see what is wrong.
Clicking the Get info in Prefs I get..
Error - An error occurred when trying to get information about the server.
[: ]
So everywhere I see I get this connection error, but for the life of me can't see the error.
BTW I created the db in phpmyadmin prior to the MLM install.
$dbhost = 'localhost';// mySQL Host Name
$dbusername = 'starreco_myuser'; // mySQL User Name (For Full access!!)
$dbuserpass = 'pwd; // mySQL User Password (For Full access!!)
$dbname = 'starreco_dbname'; // mySQL Database Name
After I try to Upload I get this email.
[MLM] mySQL Connect Error in RequestExistsInDB()
The whole thing baffles me I'm afraid to say.. Spent all day trying different things..
A year or so ago, it worked fine with another list and db.