softdelivery not authorized


New Member
softdelivery not authorized, message refused

i get this error everytime i run email handler

although it used to work just fine at the same server until now

what does this means?

can you help me??
thank you


New Member
actually i saw that this is the titel of the message

although bounce handler stops running and stucks at that point when it reaches at the middle of search


New Member
ok sorry

i use handler for my bounced mails ok?

and i use it in a small notepad with not too big cpu


it stuck while it was searching for bounced emails...and i think it uses too much cpu

i use the program often and it is first time that stuck in the middle of the process


Staff member
Do you mean eMail Bounce Handler was fetching bounces from your POP server and it stopped?


New Member
yes email bounce handler stop working

when it reaches at the middle of the process stops

uses 100% cpu and i have to force close it