I see in one of the on-line vids that it is recommended that I should offer an unsubscribe option in the bulk email I am trying to send out to be polite, and I agree.
I found this on the support website:
mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Unsubscribe&Body=Unsubscribe%20[E-mail Address]
I pasted it to the bottom of my draft message and I updated "[email protected]" to my email address and then updated it again with my email address between the brackets at the end.
When I clicked the SPAM button it warned me that it could be flagged as spam due to the use of the word 'subscribe'. Why do they provide that script as a suggestion if it is going to be flagged as spam? Should I not use those words? My mommy always told me to use my words.
Also, when I tested it out and emailed myself, I clicked on the link in the email I sent myself and I see it's properly set up to send me an email with the word "unsubscribe" in the email body but the email subject is blank. How do I fix that?
Lastly, but most importantly, I'd actually like to use the functionality whereby it automatically unsubscribes someone for me without me having to manually do it. But the directions they provide are waaaaay too technical. All I am trying to do is send a weekly email with the option at the bottom to unsubscribe, and without me having to manually unsubscribe someone.
There will be no website associated with these emails I plan on sending. I've gotten as far as opening up the mlm_settings.php file in notepad. The next step is to edit it, and I have no idea what to edit? There's all this stuff about MySQL in there, and again, this is just a standalone email I have no webpage, no database, just totally confused.
My best shot would be to change the parts in CAPS below, but I don't require a company name, and everything else below that I wouldn't know what to do with, do I just delete it? And I haven't even bothered to update it yet because after that it says I have to load it to my FTP server and I don't have an FTP server.
Please can someone help? I'm starting a fundraising campaign for a charitable cause and I've spent countless hours over the past week trying to figure out how to email my 900 friends (and they are people I know, I spent a lot of time ensuring I wasn't spamming strangers). Someone finally suggested the Max Bulk Emailer program to me after I had no success trying to send out my first fundraising email directly through the various personal web-based emails I use.
Here's the .php stuff below I am struggling with.
$admin_id = "admin"; // Your administrator ID
$admin_password = "admin"; // Your administrator password
$admin_notifications = 1; // Set to 1 to get sent subscribe/unsubscribe notification emails
$admin_err_addr = "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS"; // The address where internal error notifications has to be sent
$admin_address = "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS"; // The administrator email address
$admin_name_full = "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"; // Your name or you company/organization name
$admin_name_short = "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"; // Short version of you name or you company/organization name
$admin_webAddress = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // Your web site address
$mlm_optin = true; // Activate or deactivate Double opt-in system
$mlm_debug = false; // Activate or deactivate the debug mode
// By default MLM uses plain text files. If you prefer to use a mySQL table all you have to do is to modify the paramaters below:
$use_mysql = 0; // Set to 1 in order to use mySQL rather than default raw text files
$dbhost = 'MYSQL_SERVER_ADDRESS'; // mySQL Host Name
$dbusername = 'USER_ID'; // mySQL User Name (For Full access!!)
$dbuserpass = 'PASSWORD'; // mySQL User Password (For Full access!!)
$dbname = 'DATABASE_NAME'; // mySQL Database Name
$tbname = 'tbl_mlm_sub'; // mySQL Table name
$request_life_span = 2; // Days to confirm a subscription
I found this on the support website:
mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Unsubscribe&Body=Unsubscribe%20[E-mail Address]
I pasted it to the bottom of my draft message and I updated "[email protected]" to my email address and then updated it again with my email address between the brackets at the end.
When I clicked the SPAM button it warned me that it could be flagged as spam due to the use of the word 'subscribe'. Why do they provide that script as a suggestion if it is going to be flagged as spam? Should I not use those words? My mommy always told me to use my words.
Also, when I tested it out and emailed myself, I clicked on the link in the email I sent myself and I see it's properly set up to send me an email with the word "unsubscribe" in the email body but the email subject is blank. How do I fix that?
Lastly, but most importantly, I'd actually like to use the functionality whereby it automatically unsubscribes someone for me without me having to manually do it. But the directions they provide are waaaaay too technical. All I am trying to do is send a weekly email with the option at the bottom to unsubscribe, and without me having to manually unsubscribe someone.
There will be no website associated with these emails I plan on sending. I've gotten as far as opening up the mlm_settings.php file in notepad. The next step is to edit it, and I have no idea what to edit? There's all this stuff about MySQL in there, and again, this is just a standalone email I have no webpage, no database, just totally confused.
My best shot would be to change the parts in CAPS below, but I don't require a company name, and everything else below that I wouldn't know what to do with, do I just delete it? And I haven't even bothered to update it yet because after that it says I have to load it to my FTP server and I don't have an FTP server.
Please can someone help? I'm starting a fundraising campaign for a charitable cause and I've spent countless hours over the past week trying to figure out how to email my 900 friends (and they are people I know, I spent a lot of time ensuring I wasn't spamming strangers). Someone finally suggested the Max Bulk Emailer program to me after I had no success trying to send out my first fundraising email directly through the various personal web-based emails I use.
Here's the .php stuff below I am struggling with.
$admin_id = "admin"; // Your administrator ID
$admin_password = "admin"; // Your administrator password
$admin_notifications = 1; // Set to 1 to get sent subscribe/unsubscribe notification emails
$admin_err_addr = "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS"; // The address where internal error notifications has to be sent
$admin_address = "YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS"; // The administrator email address
$admin_name_full = "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"; // Your name or you company/organization name
$admin_name_short = "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"; // Short version of you name or you company/organization name
$admin_webAddress = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; // Your web site address
$mlm_optin = true; // Activate or deactivate Double opt-in system
$mlm_debug = false; // Activate or deactivate the debug mode
// By default MLM uses plain text files. If you prefer to use a mySQL table all you have to do is to modify the paramaters below:
$use_mysql = 0; // Set to 1 in order to use mySQL rather than default raw text files
$dbhost = 'MYSQL_SERVER_ADDRESS'; // mySQL Host Name
$dbusername = 'USER_ID'; // mySQL User Name (For Full access!!)
$dbuserpass = 'PASSWORD'; // mySQL User Password (For Full access!!)
$dbname = 'DATABASE_NAME'; // mySQL Database Name
$tbname = 'tbl_mlm_sub'; // mySQL Table name
$request_life_span = 2; // Days to confirm a subscription