Shared database


New Member

I'm using iCash for a quite a while on Mac OSX, and I use to share it with my wife.
We have different accounts in Mac OSX, so I have placed the database in a shared folder on our HDD, so that both of us can access it. It used to work well, but it doesn't any more.
I still can use iCash without problem, with this shared database.
But my wife can't, she gets a message "Error updating database schema () Contact MaxProg support". (first in english, then the same message again but in french)
We currently use iCash 3.2.1 FR and Mac OSX 10.4.6.
I guess the problem appeared after one of the updates, but I've no idea which one (Mac OS or iCash ?).

I've tried to repair the index, but it was useless. There is no error in the database.

Please advise.


Staff member
The problem is that the database can't be opened twice at the same time. In other words, only one user can access it at once. You have to close when you are finished. Also, I am not sure it will work on a shared volume. The only solution for iCash to work in a network would be thru an iCash server version but that version doesn't exist right now.


New Member
Well, I didn't mention it, but, of course, the database was opened only once !
My wife can't open it in her session, even if it is closed in mine at that time.


Staff member
Do you mean you are opening an iCash document from another Mac OS X account on the same computer?


New Member
Yes ! Absolutely !
And working like this has been perfectly fine for nearly a year. It makes problems just for a few weeks.


Staff member
It looks like iCash built-in SQL engine prevents you from doing that to avoid corruption problems. Have you tried placing the file in an external hard drive?