I am having the same issue. Here is my delivery panel:
[00] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ #200: Ok - Continue...
[01] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Connecting to pop.att.yahoo.com for POP authentication...
[02] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[02] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Connecting to pop.att.yahoo.com for POP authentication...
[03] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[03] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Connecting to pop.att.yahoo.com for POP authentication...
[04] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[04] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Connecting to pop.att.yahoo.com for POP authentication...
[05] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[05] 3/9 13:45:54 ~ Connecting to pop.att.yahoo.com for POP authentication...
[00] 3/9 13:45:54 +OK hello from popgate- pop114.sbc.mail.bf1.yahoo.com
[00] 3/9 13:45:54 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 3/9 13:45:54 +OK password required.
[00] 3/9 13:45:54 > PASS ******
[00] 3/9 13:45:55 +OK maildrop ready, 33 messages (328385 octets) (329644)
[00] 3/9 13:45:55 > QUIT
[00] 3/9 13:45:55 +OK server signing off.
[01] 3/9 13:45:55 ~ Connecting to outbound.att.net Port:25
[01] 3/9 13:45:55 ~ Connected
[01] 3/9 13:45:55 220 smtp102.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com ESMTP
[01] 3/9 13:45:55 > HELO []
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 250 smtp102.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Connected
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Connected
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Connected
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Connected
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 530 authentication required - for help go to
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [1/1]
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 > EHLO []
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 220 smtp105.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com ESMTP
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 > HELO []
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 220 smtp104.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com ESMTP
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 > HELO []
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 220 smtp103.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com ESMTP
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 > HELO []
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 220 smtp106.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com ESMTP
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 > HELO []
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 250 smtp106.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 250 smtp105.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 250 smtp104.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 250 smtp103.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 250-smtp102.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 > AUTH LOGIN
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 530 authentication required - for help go to
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [1/1]
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 > EHLO []
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 530 authentication required - for help go to
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [1/1]
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 > EHLO []
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 530 authentication required - for help go to
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [1/1]
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 > EHLO []
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 530 authentication required - for help go to
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [1/1]
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 > EHLO []
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 >
[email protected]
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 250-smtp106.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 > AUTH LOGIN
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 250-smtp105.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 > AUTH LOGIN
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 250-smtp104.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 > AUTH LOGIN
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 250-smtp103.sbc.mail.mud.yahoo.com
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 > AUTH LOGIN
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 > ******
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 >
[email protected]
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 >
[email protected]
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 >
[email protected]
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 >
[email protected]
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 235 OK, go ahead
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 > ******
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 > ******
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 > ******
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 > ******
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 553 From address not verified - see
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/o ... om-07.html
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [1/1]
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 235 OK, go ahead
[05] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 235 OK, go ahead
[03] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 235 OK, go ahead
[04] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 235 OK, go ahead
[02] 3/9 13:45:56 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 503 Wrong sequence of commands : MAIL FROM needed
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[01] 3/9 13:45:56 > QUIT
[05] 3/9 13:45:57 553 From address not verified - see
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/o ... om-07.html
[05] 3/9 13:45:57 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [1/1]
[03] 3/9 13:45:57 553 From address not verified - see
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/o ... om-07.html
[03] 3/9 13:45:57 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [1/1]
[04] 3/9 13:45:57 553 From address not verified - see
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/o ... om-07.html
[04] 3/9 13:45:57 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [1/1]
[02] 3/9 13:45:57 553 From address not verified - see
http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/o ... om-07.html
[02] 3/9 13:45:57 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [1/1]
[01] 3/9 13:45:57 221 Service Closing transmission
[01] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ [-++++]
[05] 3/9 13:45:57 503 Wrong sequence of commands : MAIL FROM needed
[05] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[05] 3/9 13:45:57 > QUIT
[03] 3/9 13:45:57 503 Wrong sequence of commands : MAIL FROM needed
[03] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[03] 3/9 13:45:57 > QUIT
[04] 3/9 13:45:57 503 Wrong sequence of commands : MAIL FROM needed
[04] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 3/9 13:45:57 > QUIT
[02] 3/9 13:45:57 503 Wrong sequence of commands : MAIL FROM needed
[02] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[02] 3/9 13:45:57 > QUIT
[05] 3/9 13:45:57 221 Service Closing transmission
[05] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ [-+++-]
[03] 3/9 13:45:57 221 Service Closing transmission
[03] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ [-+-+-]
[04] 3/9 13:45:57 221 Service Closing transmission
[04] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ [-+---]
[02] 3/9 13:45:57 221 Service Closing transmission
[02] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ [-----]
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Creating report...
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Finishing...
[00] 3/9 13:45:57 ~ Finished.
MaxBulk Mailer Delivery Report [#15] - 3/9/12
Mailer version: 7.9.2-US Standard - Registered
Machine OS/speed: Mac OS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard/2Ghz
Streams: 5 [5 Used] Single Server
Delivery mode: Singly (Tag processing ON)
SMTP server address: outbound.att.net [Port: Default] SSL Off
Authentication: POP | []
Address: pop.att.yahoo.com [Port: Default] SSL Off
Groups: All at once [Interval: 00:00:00]
Delivery start date: 3/9/12 at 1:45:51 PM
End date: 3/9/12 at 1:45:57 PM
Total duration: 6 second(s) - Retries: 0/10
Rate: 0.17 recipient(s)/second
to a total of: 5 recipient(s) [5/5]
List name: NFEC Test Recipients
Sent: 0
Failed: 5 undelivered [Connection dropped by server]
Errors: 10
Mail subject: Navarre Family Eye Care's Trunk Show
Mail priority: Normal
Return receipt: No
Mail format: Web Page | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Mail size: 17.69 KB (Doesn't include attachments)
Attachments: none