Sendind 5 emails, stop, wait, reconnect, until fails...

I'm trying to send (maxbulk mailer pro 8.5.1 es, in windows7) a newsletter to a list of 1.655 subscribers, set up with 5 connections. When I send, it connect to the smtp server with port 25, send the first 5 emails and stop, wait 2 minutes, show a message for re-connect to the server, do it, and the next 5 emails. After some actions like this, show a message info about losing the smtp connection.

When it works fine, continuosly send emails in groups of 5, but very quickly.

I tried with other smtp server, and severals internet connections (wifi and lan) with the same result.
What can I do?

Thanks in advance.



Staff member
Did you set MaxBulk Mailer that way? Why only 5 emails? How much time between batches? Have you tried to send more messages and use a bigger delay between batches?