hello :?:
I'm doing a proof of shipping and constantly I get error 103, I leave the report to have if you can I tell what the problem. I spoke with hosting and I have opened port 587, but can not get send.
The MaxBulk Mailer version is 7.9.2
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ Connecting to mail.inetworking.es for POP authentication...
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK Hello there. <[email protected]>
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 > USER [email protected]
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK Password required.
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 > PASS ********
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK logged in.
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 > QUIT
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK Bye-bye.
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ Connecting to mail.inetworking.es:25 Port:25
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #587
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #2525
[01] 6/7 10:26:36 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #26
[01] 6/7 10:26:38 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #2526
[01] 6/7 10:26:39 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #3535
[01] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Socket #1 failed to establish a connection with mail.inetworking.es
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ [-????]
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Creating report...
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Finishing...
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Finished.
Informe de entrega MaxBulk Mailer [#40] - 07/06/2012
Versión del programa: 7.9.2-ES Pro - Registrado
Sistema/velocidad: Windows 2003 (SP2.0)/2.327Ghz
Conexiones: 5 [Utilizadas: 1] Servidor √∫nico
Método de envío: Uno a uno (Proceso de etiquetas activado)
Dirección servidor SMTP: mail.inetworking.es [Puerto: 25] SSL Off
Autenticación: POP | []
Dirección: mail.inetworking.es [Puerto: Por defecto] SSL Off
Grupos: Todo de golpe [Intervalo: 00:00:00]
Fecha inicio: 07/06/2012 a las 10:26:31
Fecha finalización: 07/06/2012 a las 10:26:40
Duración total: 9 segundo(s) - Reintentos: 0/10
Cadencia: 0,11 destinatario(s)/segundo
A un total de: 1 destinatario(s) [1/90]
Nombre lista: desconocido
Enviado(s): 0
Fallido(s): 1 (Devoluciones no incluidas)
Asunto correo: ¿Hemos pensado alguna vez que tener una página web es indispensable?
Prioridad: Normal
Acuse de recibo: No
Formato: HTML solo | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Tamaño: 12,60 KB (No incluye los archivos adjuntos)
Archivos adjuntos: Ninguno
I'm doing a proof of shipping and constantly I get error 103, I leave the report to have if you can I tell what the problem. I spoke with hosting and I have opened port 587, but can not get send.
The MaxBulk Mailer version is 7.9.2
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ Connecting to mail.inetworking.es for POP authentication...
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK Hello there. <[email protected]>
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 > USER [email protected]
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK Password required.
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 > PASS ********
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK logged in.
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 > QUIT
[00] 6/7 10:26:35 +OK Bye-bye.
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ Connecting to mail.inetworking.es:25 Port:25
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #587
[01] 6/7 10:26:35 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #2525
[01] 6/7 10:26:36 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #26
[01] 6/7 10:26:38 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #2526
[01] 6/7 10:26:39 ~ The server mail.inetworking.es doesn't respond. Trying on port #3535
[01] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Socket #1 failed to establish a connection with mail.inetworking.es
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ [-????]
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Creating report...
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Finishing...
[00] 6/7 10:26:40 ~ Finished.
Informe de entrega MaxBulk Mailer [#40] - 07/06/2012
Versión del programa: 7.9.2-ES Pro - Registrado
Sistema/velocidad: Windows 2003 (SP2.0)/2.327Ghz
Conexiones: 5 [Utilizadas: 1] Servidor √∫nico
Método de envío: Uno a uno (Proceso de etiquetas activado)
Dirección servidor SMTP: mail.inetworking.es [Puerto: 25] SSL Off
Autenticación: POP | []
Dirección: mail.inetworking.es [Puerto: Por defecto] SSL Off
Grupos: Todo de golpe [Intervalo: 00:00:00]
Fecha inicio: 07/06/2012 a las 10:26:31
Fecha finalización: 07/06/2012 a las 10:26:40
Duración total: 9 segundo(s) - Reintentos: 0/10
Cadencia: 0,11 destinatario(s)/segundo
A un total de: 1 destinatario(s) [1/90]
Nombre lista: desconocido
Enviado(s): 0
Fallido(s): 1 (Devoluciones no incluidas)
Asunto correo: ¿Hemos pensado alguna vez que tener una página web es indispensable?
Prioridad: Normal
Acuse de recibo: No
Formato: HTML solo | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Tamaño: 12,60 KB (No incluye los archivos adjuntos)
Archivos adjuntos: Ninguno