Saving Recipient lists



Can I get help in how it is best to save my recipient lists. Sounds simple however it is not.

For example I have many recipient lists that I am adding to all the time.

I send out monthly newsletters to all of these lists.

I open a list I sent last month and add anymore new addresses then save it in a new directory with the same file name as before but with a different date added on . eg. mylist-oct08. (Last month it was mylist-sept08)

I send the list but MAX crashes after about 50 or so emails. I go to my log which shows what emails were actually sent and copy/paste it back into the recipient list when I reopen it. It takes those emails out of the list (which is good) so I don't email them again. (So now my list is not the complete list it started as).

I then continue the mailing and this either happens again or it goes through okay.

When I go to leave the program I 'save' the list as I do with every other program I use as a habit .... but..

I realise I have saved the short list 'without' the email addresses that were taken out when it crashed.

So now I have to go and look for those addresses I recently saved and add them again hoping I find them all. I also have other data like regular address, where the name came from and first last names and that too has gone.

At the moment I have the last saved list open ( with the fewer addresses) and also that log file what deleted the addresses from the initial list after the crash, and highliting and copy each email address in trhe log file and pasting them back into the MAX recipient file. Troublke is there are no extra details in that log file only the email address it was sent to.

How can I overcome this problem. Hopefully there is a solution someone can come up with.

This is a real problem for me as I have 10 lists and I am now realizing I have been losing addresses whener the program crashes and I have to open Max again and restart.



PS: After a file has been loaded into MAX and used, maybe when it is saved it can be given an extension of say 1, then 2 etc. That way one could at least go and look at the recipient lists deleting the files that were not needed. The problem is that one gets into the habit of just hittin g the '
save just before closing.



I get the list that I want and load it into Max then add manually any extra new email addresses I have and delete any returns no longer in use.

I then send my mailing.

If it goes through without any crash then the file is okay.

I save it and it will still have the extras and changes I have made.


The problem is if I get a crash or have to stop and close Max for some reason.

When I want to resume the mailing again I open Max and the recipient file. It is still okay as it will be what I saved.

But because I have already sent some addresses from the list, I need to take those off the mailing.

What I did was go to the log file which had the addresses that were sent, then pasted the txt file into the max list. By doing so it actually took those emails out of the list so now I had only the unsent ones in the list.

I started the 'Send' again and the mail went through okay.

But this is where my problem is..

I forgot that some of the emails had been deleted when I pasted them into the file and hit Save before I realised what I did.

I ended up with a file that didn't have my full email list.

I have since thought that maybe instead of deleting the emails when pasting into the file it could maybe somehow just mark the addresses that they had been sent. That way the file would be the same.

I hope that is clearer.

I have read the crash fags before and will again.

What do you think of my idea to just 'mark' the addresses 'no't dleted them?


oz :)


Staff member
Have you read the two web pages I have sent you the links of? One of them just covers the recovery after a crash. Have you tried that method?


Yes I have read them again and I have used the method when I had to. I am not so much worried about the crashes becuase, it only crashes every now and then.

The problem is when it 'does' crash and I use the paste method refferred to in those links, it 'removes' the emails addresses from the list. That is fine except if you hit 'Save' it saves 'that' list 'not' the list before the emails were deleted.

In summary, I guess I mean this..

Is there a way that when a 'save ' is done it does not save 'over' the file that was opened, but either rather creates another save version, or creates a backup of the previous 'save'.



Staff member
I don't understand, if you use the Crash recovery drag and drop trick the 'save' button should not be activated. Are you sure you are proceeding exactly the way it is explained in that page?


Hi again,

Yes thats exactly what it does. It does SAVE the new list which is less the emails it deleted when the paset was done.

I just tried it again and a list went from 252 at first to after the paste 226.

The save was not grayed out and I saved it. I was now left with the 226 list not the full 252 list.

Best try it yourself to see.




Because of habit and file insurance I guess

Virtually every program I have prompts me to save when wanting to close.

Whilst max doesn't prompt to save before closing, one would normally hit 'save' thinking this file is the latest update after all changes.

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