Results Count & Ratio Higher than Total


New Member
Sorry, I'm new to this application but can't seem to find an explanation for why the "Count" and "Ratio" for Valid Addresses is higher than than the number of emails??

When my list of approx. 26k emails gets done, the count is more than that and the ratio says like 135% for example. What gives? I re-ran the list and it looks like it's going to do the same thing. The "Progress" shows I'm only in the 18k range, but it has already counted over 23,000 as valid addresses.

Sorry if I missed this explanation somewhere.

Thank You!


Staff member
That can happen when he process is interrupted and several retries are needed. It is rare though.


New Member
stanbusk said:
That can happen when he process is interrupted and several retries are needed. It is rare though.

I'm a new eMail Verifier user and I'm getting crazy ratios every time I run a list. For example, the list of 5000 names I just verified came back:

Valid 131.55%
Bad 10.50%
Unsuccessful 2.53%

Total = 144.58%

I'm on Mac OS X 10.5.8


New Member
Same problem here

We're also having the same problem. Progress is 2,067/19,444, Current is 1,067 (is that the current index being tested, if so that makes sense although I figured this would be running on multiple threads so there would be several "currents"), Valid addresses is 3,623 but since we've only tested 2,067 we get 175% valid which cannot be correct. See the attached screenshot.


Staff member
We are looking at that problem. It is just a display issue that happens in very rare occasions.


New Member
Apparently it isn't that rare. I tested a total of 5568 emails.

The chart read:
Valid = 4178
Bad = 412
Unsuccessful = 3066
Total = 7656.

Valid = 2088
Bad = 412
Errors = 3066

I have two questions: What is the data in the chart actually reporting? If you use percentages...especially as expressed in a circle chart...the data must be internally consistent, otherwise the circle chart does nothing but call into question the entire dataset. :(


Staff member
The chart uses the data from the list on the left, green for valid, red for bad and so on.


Staff member
This is rare, it never happened to me actually, I only get very small differences or no differences at all. Have you tried to test smaller lists? Divide your list into a couple of lists?


New Member
When I tested the program I used lists of 100 messages and the math was always screwed up. In looking at the archive of postings, along with responses from support, this seems to be the way the product runs. It's less than useless because it calls into question the whole process.


Staff member
Yes, as I already told you that can happen when a server returns several errors and it is rare. Note that what you see in the Forum are only problems, nobody will post when the software works. Anyway I will have a look.