Removing a list of email addresses from a list


New Member
I'm not sure if this is something that MaxBulk mailer can do or not - but I think I've done it before.

I've got a list of email addresses that I have just uploaded. However, I'd like to remove a whole load of email addresses from this list.

The list I have uploaded is 8,000 emails and the .csv file of emails that I'd like to remove from the list has 5,000 addresses.

Is there an easy way of doing this?



New Member
No need to reply - just sussed it.

Create a file called delete.txt with all the addresses in that you'd like to remove, then drag on the list - and away they go.



New Member
Opps, spoke too soon.

When I dragged the delete.txt over - it deleted all the emails in my first list.

Any clues, anyone?