Recommended Host for 5000 Contact Email List


New Member
SMTP relay service

Hi Stan
Your link to Unified Email is really useful - here in the UK all the best ISP deals have very low sending limits and it seems hard to find a SMTP relay service that doesn't also want to manage the whole process for you. But are there any other SMTP relay providers that you could suggest for an SME sending less than 10k/month?
Best regards
Do I need MaxBulk Mailer host?

I use version 7.6-US Pro - Registered on Mac OS 10.6.3 Snow Leopard/2.8Ghz and apparently my "broadcast" was stopped after sending 1,199, 5 per group [Interval: 00:05:00] in past two days.

Message I received was: Re: [ISP name #1662215] [SCOMP] EMAIL FEEDBACK REPORT FOR IP ## ## ##

My broadcast was running, time ticking, but no delivery happening any more! Is this what happens when I am blacklisted by my ISP?

I amhree reports says, "It appears that [email protected] reported the following spam: (Lots of details follow with a person at the end to call at my ISP.)

Am I toast? I am legitimate, been a member of the ISP for 20 years, no issues, and they have several of my web sites hosted. I did not buy my contact list!

Do I need to get a MaxBulk Mailer host to send out "slowly" if necessary about 5,000 of my personal contacts a month?