Rate currency : value


New Member

Are currencies rates value changing during the day ?

Because I opened the windows with rates of currencies.
I updated rates by pressing the button and all rates values changed and the date passed to "today" : perfect.
I pressed again the update button and rates values changed again.
Every time I press this button rates values are changed... I don't understand why ? So maybe currencies rates value are changing during the day.

I'm using two currencies : EUR by default and RON. Official rate value between RON and EUR is available on the National Bank of Romania website. The rate value get by iCash is different from this official rate value. Is it normal ?

Thanks again for your help.


Staff member
Yes, rates change all day as stocks do. You can look at yahoo currencies page. We get rates from the US market.


New Member
An old topic : official currencies rates


After one year using iCash I have a remark about currencies rates.

I would like to be able to choose the source of currencies rates (not any more from the US market of Yahoo please).

More explanations :

I'm using every day two currencies : EUR and RON with EUR the default currency.

I use and I think every body in Romania use to convert EUR in RON the official rates given by the national bank of Romania. (http://www.bnr.ro/)
I don't have the need of rates which change every minutes for two reasons : iCash uses rates from US market, very far from me and this is not the rates used by all banks in the contry.

My biggest wish is to be able to choose the source of currencies rates.
Currently I have to copy and paste the official rates manually. :(

Thanks !

stanbusk said:
Yes, rates change all day as stocks do. You can look at yahoo currencies page. We get rates from the US market.


Staff member
What source do you want to use? We use Yahoo because they offer an interface for getting rates.


New Member
Source for rates

I would like to use this source :
This xml file is specially made to get rates.

Information are updated every day at 13h00 with the current rates.
For example (08/24/2009) 1 EURO (Rate currency="EUR") is equal to 4.2238 RON (OrigCurrency).

I understand that this source is only valid because I'm using rates between EUR and RON. It sould be a different source if I was using YEN and EUR for example.
