'QUIT header'


New Member
Hi, I'm having an issue with the Amazon SES and maxprog bulk mailer trial, here's the log:

[01] 4/26 15:22:44 > AUTH PLAIN ********************************************
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 2[01] 4/26 15:22:44 35 Authentication successful.
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 > MAIL FROM:<redacted>
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 250 Ok
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 > RCPT TO:<redacted> [1/14]
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 2[01] 4/26 15:22:44 50 Ok
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 > DATA
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 3[01] 4/26 15:22:44 54 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 ~ Sending message
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 ~ with ID <redacted>
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 ~ To kzfmj-redacted
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 250 Ok 00000136f01b0686-9c3ceb34-aaeb-4a1d-b85e-01fc2d63d69d-000000
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 ~ Delay of 120s [00:02:00]
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 > QUIT
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 221 Bye
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[01] 4/26 15:22:44 ~ Next Delivery in 00:02:00
[01] 4/26 15:24:44 220 email-smtp.amazonaws.com ESMTP SimpleEmailService-222567251
[01] 4/26 15:24:44 > EHLO []
[01] 4/26 15:24:44 ~ Connected
[01] 4/26 15:24:44 > EHLO []
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 250-email-smtp.amazonaws.com
250-SIZE 10485760
250 Ok
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 > AUTH PLAIN ********************************************
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 250-email-smtp.amazonaws.com
250-SIZE 10485760
250 Ok
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 > AUTH PLAIN AKIAIAHODC2FHMDCXNYQ ********************************************
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 235 Authentication successful.
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 > MAIL FROM:<redacted>
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 503 Refusing any other AUTH command.
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 > RCPT TO:<redacted> [2/14]
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 250 Ok
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 > DATA
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 250 Ok
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 ~ Delay of 120s [00:02:00]
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 > QUIT
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 ~ Sending message
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 ~ with ID <[email protected]>
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 ~ To redacted
[01] 4/26 15:24:45 554 Transaction failed: Illegal header 'QUIT'.
[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ Canceling process...
[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ Asking socket #1 to QUIT...
[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ [-]
[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ Unlinking socket #1 port
[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ Creating report...

[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ Finishing...
[00] 4/26 15:24:49 ~ Finished.

It is only happening when I use a delay between messages, If I send them all at once it is fine. I found a similar post on the amazon ses board and the error is being caused by a header that amazon ses does not accept, any help in being able to not insert QUIT as a header would be appreciated, thanks!


New Member
And just FYI here is the thread I found with a similar problem

https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.js ... adID=84033

Amazon's reply:

Hi Tony,

From reviewing your detailed post, it would seem that SendBlaster, the program you're using to hand mail off to Amazon SES via SMTP, is inserting a header that is not allowed.

Specifically, SendBlaster appears to be inserting a "Received-SPF" header which contains the authentication results from the prior hop before SMTP handoff to Amazon SES. You can read more about the specific header here.

And here http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/Headers.htmlis the list of allowed headers Amazon SES supports.

Your use case is an interesting one, though, and I will be sure to add "Received-SPF" to the list we routinely review for making changes to the allowed header list.

In the meantime, I would suggest you contact SendBlaster and see if you can customize the headers that are transmitted during SMTP. I looked over their site and couldn't find anything myself, but I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help you.

Please let us know what you find out in case other folks are having the same issue.

Hope this helps,


Staff member
The very only specific headers MaxBulk Mailer inserts are for bounces tracking and they are inserted only if MLM is active. Note that adding headers to a message is allowed by the SMTP protocol and the MIME standard. What SES is doing is not respecting standards, they are free to do that since it is there servers. That reminds me Microsoft, another big one that never respect standards.