query - Transaction Type Equals Check



Was wondering if there is a way to run a query that shows all transactions with a transaction id "BEGINNING WITH" check.

This would enable me to run a check number report to ensure all checks are entered for auditing purposes. It would also allow me a method to do a quick visual scan when looking for a specific check.

The query panel only has the options of:
is equal to
is not equal to

If I select check, I get nothing because I can't adjust the input. It looks for only the value 'check' not check # or check #61 because I can't change value of the field. I can only select from the list presented.

I would like to be able to select:
a specific check number
all checks
a range of check numbers

Hoping this is a change that is easy. :lol:



Staff member
Right now it is not possible. I have to look if that feature can be added, it is not easy since the check number is added to the transaction type field. That's the reason why you have so few choices for the search.