Was wondering if there is a way to run a query that shows all transactions with a transaction id "BEGINNING WITH" check.
This would enable me to run a check number report to ensure all checks are entered for auditing purposes. It would also allow me a method to do a quick visual scan when looking for a specific check.
The query panel only has the options of:
is equal to
is not equal to
If I select check, I get nothing because I can't adjust the input. It looks for only the value 'check' not check # or check #61 because I can't change value of the field. I can only select from the list presented.
I would like to be able to select:
a specific check number
all checks
a range of check numbers
Hoping this is a change that is easy. :lol:
Was wondering if there is a way to run a query that shows all transactions with a transaction id "BEGINNING WITH" check.
This would enable me to run a check number report to ensure all checks are entered for auditing purposes. It would also allow me a method to do a quick visual scan when looking for a specific check.
The query panel only has the options of:
is equal to
is not equal to
If I select check, I get nothing because I can't adjust the input. It looks for only the value 'check' not check # or check #61 because I can't change value of the field. I can only select from the list presented.
I would like to be able to select:
a specific check number
all checks
a range of check numbers
Hoping this is a change that is easy. :lol: