Project list clean up


Hi Stan,

The pull down list for PROJECT field is great when entering a transaction. However, in my haste, I have made a couple of spelling errors. Even after the transaction which contained the spelling error has been corrected, the pull down list still contains the selection with the wrong spelling. Is there a way I can fix the list so it contains only project identifiers that are correct?



Staff member
This is because you still have a transaction with the misspelled project. That pull-down menu is made of the current project names currently used on your transactions.


I thought so too, but I ran both a query for the entire file date range (because on the query you can actually select the exact project from the pull down list) and I also ran a summarized P&L statement for the entire file date range for the same project id. All reports came up with 0 transactions. On a side note, could that pull down menu (on the query panel) for the project also be included in the report panel? It's handier than having to type it in. Thanks again.


Staff member
I take note.

About your problem, it comes from a deleted transactions actually. I have fixed the problem in next version.