Probleme de connection base mysql


New Member
Since the change of my mlm server, I got problems with sql connections

I tried V8 Mailbulk and instal a new fresh mlm service > OK on my server.
Statistiques doesnt want to acces with anything else than chmod 755 on the lm folder. but it give my 0 datas. Same thing to read distants listes.

Direct acces from a navigator doesn't give me any list, and doesn't want to create new ones.

Message are
Erreur - Problème sur le serveur lors de la lecture de la liste. [: ]

Direct acces with url command give me same error.
[mySQL server connection error]

Do you have some way to help me ?

I can read all mysql datas from navicat premium and phpmyadmin.
I verified all id and password and tehy seem to by OK.

MySQL version 5.0.44
Gentoo Linux
Linux sur x86_64


Staff member
Are you sure the MLM URL in your MaxBulk Mailer preferences is correct? It has to me the lm.php file URL. Do you get any error in MaxBulk Mailer?


New Member
I've no error from maxbulk (except if lm folder is different from chmod755 )
the adress in pref panes seem to be the good one

direct acces to this adress into safari give me the home page of the mlm site.

the admin acces seem to be good, but no way to read list , and no possibiliti to create a new one. ( Erreur - Problème sur le serveur lors de la lecture de la liste. [: ] )

i feel format database problem or mysql imcompatibilities or bad setup . Privileges seems to be good for the user/ Id I use in the pref panes of maxbulk.

This system worked perfectly on my old server

To be continued....


New Member
I say also that I received mail from log system wich are

[MLM] mySQL Connect Error in SaveRequestToDB()

from the use of statistics. each tim it try to refresh.


Staff member
Ok, the problem then is in the lm_settings.php file, the mySQL settings. There is something wrong there...


New Member
I m sorry but my lm_setting.php seem to be ok
I use exactly the same datas to read, write , and modify tbl_mlm_sub and tbl_mlm_sub_clk tables from database with navicat.

The id and pass from maxbulk is exactly the same than user et password into navicat.

You can download some pictures of my pb

I m working on phph 5 and MySQL version 5.0.44

I think I can't use links following until this problem is solved.