Problem with FileMaker since updating MaxBulk Mailer to 5.1


I have just updated MaxBulk Mailer to version 5.1 - DE.
I am running OS X 10.4.8 on a Titanium PowerBook and FileMaker 6.0.

Now MaxBulk Mailer always shows an error message "FileMaker script ('DATA' field)" when I try to send addresses to MaxBulk Mailer via Apple events.

This does not only occur with our database but also with the sample database provided with MaxBulk Mailer.

Did anyone experience the same effect?
Has anyone a solution?



Seems to be a bug in 5.1 - 5.03 makes no problems

After downgrading to 5.03 - DE everything is running smoothly again.
So we will stay with this version until the next upgrade which hopefully adresses our problem.



New Member
Similiar problem with applescript

I am having a similiar problem with the included applescript for import contacts from NowUpToDate. I get a "invalid connection" message from applescript and it bombs Maxbulk when I try run it. Is this the same problem?


Staff member
Are you running the import function from inside MaxBulk? If so just download current MaxBulk as it fixes the problem.


New Member
No, I am running the script from the finder. I have modified the script to select every row of table 1 instead of every person of document 1, that way only the contacts that I have selected get imported instead of every one in the contact file. However, if I run the supplied script from Maxbulk import or from the finder, i get the same behavior. Maxbulk quits without any dialogs or messages. Everything has been working fine in version 5. The lastest upgrade seems to be the problem. I am currently using 5.1 US (191).


Staff member
Yes, AppleEvents are broken on v5.1. We are working on a fix. In the meantime you have to use previous 5.0.3. Let me know if you need it.


When will the Apple Events problem be solved?

Is there any idea how long it will take to solve the AppleEvents problem with 5.1?
Will this be a new update and will we automatically been notified when it's ready? I clicked away the update prompt when opening 5.0.3 because it disturbed me.
