Bonjour, et merci d'avoir pris le temps de répondre.
Voici ce qui apparaît dans l'onglet livraison :
[Prior log entries has been saved to file named "Delivery #1 902 - 2011-12-01.log"]
[00] 12/1 12:38:25 > PASS ***********
[04] 12/1 12:38:25 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:38:25 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[00] 12/1 12:38:25 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:38:25 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:38:25 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:25 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [19/544]
[00] 12/1 12:38:25 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[01] 12/1 12:38:25 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ Connected
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 > HELO []
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [19/543]
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 > DATA
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ Sending message
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[01] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ To
[email protected]
[04] 12/1 12:38:26 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:26 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:38:26 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ To
fortunymadeleineoperaviafrancehotelguid ...
[00] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[00] 12/1 12:38:26 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 250 2.0.0 3nfk1i00G4ywHbN03nfl9v mail accepted for delivery
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [20/543]
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:38:32 250 2.0.0 3nfk1i0064ywHbN03nfk9q mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:38:32 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 ~ Sending message
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[01] 12/1 12:38:32 ~ To
[email protected]
[04] 12/1 12:38:32 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:32 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [20/544]
[04] 12/1 12:38:33 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:33 > DATA
[00] 12/1 12:38:33 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:38:33 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:33 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:33 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:33 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:38:33 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[01] 12/1 12:38:38 250 2.0.0 3nfk1i00G4ywHbN03nfrAw mail accepted for delivery
[01] 12/1 12:38:38 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[01] 12/1 12:38:38 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[01] 12/1 12:38:38 > QUIT
[01] 12/1 12:38:38 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[01] 12/1 12:38:38 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 250 2.0.0 3nfk1i0064ywHbN03nfrB2 mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:38:39 +OK rppimap05 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:38:39 > USER
[email protected]
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:38:39 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:38:39 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:38:39 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:38:39 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:38:39 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 ~ Connected
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 > HELO []
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 ~ Connected
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[01] 12/1 12:38:39 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [21/543]
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:38:39 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [21/544]
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:40 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:38:40 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[01] 12/1 12:38:42 550 5.1.1 Adresse d au moins un destinataire invalide. Invalid recipient. OFR_416 [416]
[01] 12/1 12:38:43 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [21/543]
[01] 12/1 12:38:43 > EHLO []
[04] 12/1 12:38:43 250 2.0.0 3nfy1i00B4ywHbN03nfyC8 mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:38:43 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:43 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:43 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [22/544]
[01] 12/1 12:38:43 250-mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
250-SIZE 44000000
250 OK
[01] 12/1 12:38:43 > AUTH LOGIN
[04] 12/1 12:38:43 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:43 > DATA
[01] 12/1 12:38:43 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[01] 12/1 12:38:43 >
[email protected]
[04] 12/1 12:38:44 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:44 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:44 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:44 ~ To
[email protected]
[01] 12/1 12:38:44 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[01] 12/1 12:38:44 > ***********
[00] 12/1 12:38:44 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[01] 12/1 12:38:47 550 5.7.0 Codes d authentification invalides. Invalid authentication credentials. OFR_305 [305]
[01] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ Relaying denied error, giving up!
[01] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ Fatal error, giving up!
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ [---+---------------------]
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 250 2.0.0 3nfy1i00B4ywHbN03ng2Cl mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 +OK rppimap02 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:38:47 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:38:47 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [23/544]
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:48 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:38:48 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 250 2.0.0 3ng61i00G4ywHbN03ng7Di mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [24/544]
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:51 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:38:52 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 250 2.0.0 3ng61i00G4ywHbN03ngAEJ mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:38:55 +OK rppimap05 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:38:55 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:38:55 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:38:55 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:38:55 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:38:55 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:38:55 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:38:55 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [25/544]
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:56 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:38:56 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 250 2.0.0 3ngE1i0074ywHbN03ngEF3 mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [26/544]
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:38:59 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:00 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 250 2.0.0 3ngE1i0074ywHbN03ngJFp mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:39:03 +OK rppimap01 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:39:03 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:03 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:39:03 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:39:03 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:39:03 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:39:03 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:03 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [27/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:04 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:04 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:04 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:04 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:04 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:04 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:04 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 250 2.0.0 3ngN1i00B4ywHbN03ngNGn mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [28/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:07 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:07 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:10 250 2.0.0 3ngN1i00B4ywHbN03ngSHe mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:10 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:39:10 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:39:10 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:39:11 +OK rppimap06 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:39:11 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:11 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:39:11 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:39:11 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:39:11 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:39:11 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [29/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:11 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:12 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:15 250 2.0.0 3ngW1i0084ywHbN03ngWK6 mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:15 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:15 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:15 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [30/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 550 5.1.1 Adresse d au moins un destinataire invalide. Invalid recipient. OFR_416 [416]
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:39:18 +OK rppimap05 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:39:18 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:18 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:39:18 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:39:18 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:39:18 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:39:18 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:39:18 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [31/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:19 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:19 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 250 2.0.0 3ngd1i00E4ywHbN03ngdLj mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [32/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:22 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:23 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 250 2.0.0 3ngd1i00E4ywHbN03nghMW mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:39:26 +OK rppimap02 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:39:26 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:26 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:39:26 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:39:26 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:39:26 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:39:26 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:39:26 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [33/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:27 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:27 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 250 2.0.0 3ngl1i00L4ywHbN03nglNy mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [34/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:30 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:30 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 250 2.0.0 3ngl1i00L4ywHbN03ngpPh mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:39:34 +OK rppimap05 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:39:34 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:34 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:39:34 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:39:34 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:39:34 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:39:34 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [35/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:34 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:35 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:35 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:35 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:35 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:35 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 250 2.0.0 3ngt1i0084ywHbN03ngtQX mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [36/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 > DATA
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 ~ Sending message
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:38 ~ To
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:38 ~ Sending attachment "Image_101130095803.jpg"
[04] 12/1 12:39:41 250 2.0.0 3ngt1i0084ywHbN03ngxRV mail accepted for delivery
[04] 12/1 12:39:41 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[04] 12/1 12:39:41 ~ Delay of 0s [00:00:00]
[04] 12/1 12:39:41 > QUIT
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:39:42 +OK rppimap02 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:39:42 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:42 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:39:42 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:39:42 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:39:42 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:39:42 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 ~ Connected
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 > HELO []
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[04] 12/1 12:39:42 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [37/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:45 550 5.1.1 Adresse d au moins un destinataire invalide. Invalid recipient. OFR_416 [416]
[04] 12/1 12:39:45 ~ Relaying denied error, let's try ESMTP authentication scheme [37/544]
[04] 12/1 12:39:45 > EHLO []
[04] 12/1 12:39:46 250-mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
250-SIZE 44000000
250 OK
[04] 12/1 12:39:46 > AUTH LOGIN
[04] 12/1 12:39:46 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[04] 12/1 12:39:46 >
[email protected]
[04] 12/1 12:39:46 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[04] 12/1 12:39:46 > ***********
[04] 12/1 12:39:49 550 5.7.0 Codes d authentification invalides. Invalid authentication credentials. OFR_305 [305]
[04] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Relaying denied error, giving up!
[04] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Fatal error, giving up!
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ [-------------------------]
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Closing all streams
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Creating report...
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Sending report...
[01] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Opening connection for delivery...
[01] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Connecting to for POP authentication...
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 +OK rppimap06 POP3 Orange Business Services
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 > USER
[email protected]
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 +OK Password required
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 > PASS ***********
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 +OK User successfully logged on.
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 > QUIT
[00] 12/1 12:39:49 +OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 signing off.
[01] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Connecting to Port:25
[01] 12/1 12:39:49 ~ Connected
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 220 mwinf5d02 ME ESMTP server ready
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 > HELO []
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 250 mwinf5d02 hello [], pleased to meet you
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 > MAIL FROM:<
[email protected]>
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 250 2.1.0 <
[email protected]> sender ok
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 > RCPT TO:<
[email protected]> [1/1]
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 250 2.1.5 <
[email protected]> recipient ok
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 > DATA
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 354 enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 ~ Sending message
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 ~ with ID <
[email protected]>
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 ~ To
[email protected]
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 250 2.0.0 3nh81i00F4ywHbN03nh8U5 mail accepted for delivery
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 ~ Stage 3 dispatch done
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 > QUIT
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 221 2.0.0 mwinf5d02 ME closing connection
[01] 12/1 12:39:50 ~ Stage 4 dispatch done
[00] 12/1 12:39:50 ~ [-]
[00] 12/1 12:39:50 ~ Finishing...
[00] 12/1 12:39:51 ~ Finished.
État de livraison MaxBulk Mailer [#1 902] - 01/12/11
Version logiciel: 7.9.2-FR Pro - Enregistré
Système/vitesse: Mac OS 10.5.8 Leopard/2.66Ghz
Connexions: 25 [Utilisée(s): 25] Serveur unique
Méthode de livraison: Séparément (Traitement des étiquettes activé)
Adresse serveur SMTP: [Port: Par défaut] SSL Off
Authentification: POP | []
Adresse: [Port: Par défaut] SSL Off
Groupes: 50 [Intervalle: 00:00:00]
Date début livraison: 01/12/11 à 12:35:59
Date fin: 01/12/11 à 12:39:49
Durée totale: 3 minute(s), 50 seconde(s) - Tentatives: 1000/30
Cadence: 0,27 destinataire(s)/seconde
À un total de: 13 576 destinataire(s) [13 576/14 180]
Nom liste: Hotelliers et restaurateurs
Envoyé(s): 62
Échoué(s): 13 514 non livré(s) [Connexion fermée par le serveur]
Erreurs: 31
Objet su message: Formation en anglais offerte aux professionnels du secteur de l’Hôtellerie et la Restauration, actifs ou demandeurs d’emploi.
Priorité: Normale
Accusé de réception: Non
Format: Texte avec style | iso-8859-1 | quoted-printable
Taille: 525 Octets (Pièces jointes non incluses)
Pièces jointes: 1 (113,7 Ko)
Codification: Base64