

I am sending out the second of my monthly HTML mailshots. When I look at the preview it shows me that I am sending last month's despite this one having been removed from the server. I test it on a couple of people to make sure it looks ok etc. The recipients actually do get the new correct one one. I have refreshed and emptied all the cahes etc. What is the explanation?



Staff member
In this format MaxBulk Mailer takes the HTML code from the message panel and render it using WebKit on the Mac (same as Safari) or the IE web toolkit on Windows. Nothing fancy here.
So why if the HTML code in the message panel directs the recipient to the correct image on the server, and I have emptied all the browser caches on the computer does my preview still show an old image?
Another problem I am experiencing is as follows. Today I changed the text of my latest mailshot. When I did so I put the new one on the server took down the old one emptied the cache etc. I am testing the mailshot on two people one of whom shares an office with me. One of them got the new text version one of them got the old one. :?:
I have now tried 4 test recipients. the third did not receive any email despite the report confirming delivery. The last received the HTML perfectly. any reason for 3?

