Preferences window not showing properly

Often, the first time I select Preferences when I open a file, the window is not displayed properly and half of it is hidden at the far top left corner of my screen. See attached screenshot. When I hit Cancel and try again, it works properly. I use the latest version of the software (8.5) running on a Mac with El Capitan 10.11.6.


  • Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 11.26.42.png
    Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 11.26.42.png
    416.2 KB · Views: 0
Oh yes, I had purchased version 8.7.3 but the particular file hadn't been used for some time and it opened with the older version 8.5. Still, when I clicked for update in 8.5 it told me that I had the latest version. :)


Staff member
8.5 uses SSL TLSv1.1 to connect to, TLS was updated to 1.2 a couple of years ago. This new SSL version is not backward compatible. As a result, all the update system was broken and by default the software was telling you you had the last version.