Possible to undo blacklisting of recipient?


New Member
This seems like it ought to be really simple...once you have added a recipient to the blacklist, how do you undo that?

The feature is powerful enough that deleting the recipient and re-adding does not work. It "remembers" and re-blacklists! A nice feature, unless you're trying to un-blacklist someone.



Staff member
To undo that, select the blacklist from your list and delete the entry you do not want to be blacklisted.


New Member

thanks for the response. That actually WAS simple, but not even a little bit intuitive. I am generally pretty savvy about getting around new software via common sense, and I just finally gave up and posted here on this one.

Maybe what was confusing, is having an "Add to Blacklist" command in the Recipient menu, and in the contextual menu, and no corresponding [logical] counter-command ("Remove From Blacklist"). There is also nothing in the documentation.

There's my suggestion when it's Update time : ) By the way, I love the Blacklist in general. Great new feature!

-kathy hussey


Staff member
We did not add that "Remove From Blacklist" menu because you should never need it. I mean, once you add an address to the blacklist it is because you have received a complaint. There is no reason for removing somebody from the blacklist other than an error adding it in the first place. Anyway I take note of your request.


New Member
good point!

That's a very good point, and hit it on the head - I accidentally added someone while checking out how the Blacklist feature worked, so it probably isn't something that someone would need very often.

I should have known there was a reason - things are generally very well thought out in v6 as far as I can tell so far. Good stuff.