Permanently adding an email address to all messages sent out


New Member
We have an archive of all bulk emails we distribute. Is there a way to permanently add the archive address to all messages? Or do I have to physically add the address to each distribution list?

On another topic, You might want to include information about how to send HTML emails so that they appear as you designed them. I spent 2 grueling days scouring the web for answers on why my HTML emails got destroyed in my mail app. I've been a web dev since 1992 and it really cause me a lot of grief. :shock:



Staff member
Re: Permanently adding an email address to all messages sent

Yes, you will have to add the addresses to each list. There is no way to add addresses to several lists at once.

About HMTL, MaxBulk Mailer is just a bulk mailer, it sends your code as is. It is true that emailer readers are not web browsers, not everything work.