PDF file with picture & text is not recognized by the recip


New Member

eventually I managed to send a newsletter with MaxBulk which I bought last week. It contains formated text (code Base64), and 3 small files:
a) 1 embedded small JPG picture
b) 1 "table" ("Tabelle" in German) - kind of spreadsheet, converted into PDF - in the attachment ("Ablage")
c) 1 shadecard - i.e. picture & text, converted into PDF - in the attachment ("Ablage")

Now, in my (German) MaxBulk the PDFs appear - in the email window like this:

{Ablage:"XX_in Tabelle.pdf"}

In the preview window, the 2 PDFs appear like this:
PDF- Icon with the name "XXm.Bild.pdf"
{Ablage:"XX_in Tabelle.pdf"}

Now, what could be the reason that the file c) doesn't reach some recipients? ... Since I'm getting this feedback from them I'm rather confused. I don't know what I shall change in my future newsletters:

- Shall I try & put all information into only one PDF-file (with several pages)?
- Or shall I avoid PDF with text & picture, and make - instead of that - another JPG?

I'm hoping that somebody of you can help me. & excuse my English, pls.
Thanks, Jana


Staff member
Re: PDF file with picture & text is not recognized by the re

Yes, do not send inline PDFs, only JPGs, PNGs or GIFs. Inline PDFs can give lots of display problems. Just send pictures.


New Member
Re: PDF file with picture & text is not recognized by the re

Dear Stanbusk,

thank you very much for your reply. So I will try & avoid PDFs in future. I'm only astonished because I thought that it would be quasi standard.

BTW: What do you exactly mean with "inline" PDF? Can I send the PDF as "outline" - anyhow - in MaxBulk?

... I'm also asking this because till now, I sent many individual emails with PDFs to my suppliers & customers - with the MacOS X application "Mail", and there were never problems with them...

Best regards, Jana


Staff member
Re: PDF file with picture & text is not recognized by the re

PDF is standard but it is not the right format to use it as inline pictures since a PDF is not a picture. Inline means attached and visible in the message body. The other ways are online, the file available on your site (not good for PDF either) or as simple attachments. All that has nothing to do with MaxBulk Mailer but with the MHTML specification.