Pay with Card for friends, receive money back... how ?


New Member
Imagine I go in a restaurant, i.e., and pay the bill for all with my Card. The other guests give me back cash in exchange, to cver their part.

How do i Register this in iCash ? I don't want to just enter Card to Restaurant 200 and then Other to Cash 180, since it will fix the current Cash but spoil the Restaurant statistics... I cannot enter a Other to Restaurant, since it will be an expense...

Any help ?

Thanks !


Staff member
Yes indeed but you could also enter your friends payments as refunds. I mean, rather than creating and using a 'Others' account just use the 'Restaurant' account as the origin rather than the target. In the comment you can explain it is your friends paying their part.

Card -> Restaurant -> 200
Restaurant -> Card -> 180


New Member
It worked... sorry, it was "almost" obvious, I'd say... just couldn't see it !!
