Passing variables to prepopulate a form


New Member
I would like to pass a Bulk Mailer variable to prepopulate a form. This would be in the form of a link in the email to each addressee. In theory the link in the emailed message should look like this: ... yourEmail=[E-mail Address]

Where yourEmail is the name of the field in the form and of course [E-mail Address] is the email used in the email to the subscriber.

The problem is that the variable [E-mail Address] is not being passed to the form, the form gets populated with the exact term "[E-mail Address]" brackets and all.

Any suggestions on how to pass the variable correctly?


Staff member
Is the 'Singly' option checked in the MaxBulk Mailer settings panel? Have you tried to insert the tag by using the tag pull-down menu?


New Member
stanbusk said:
Is the 'Singly' option checked in the MaxBulk Mailer settings panel? Have you tried to insert the tag by using the tag pull-down menu?

Yes to both. In fact, the tag works fine under other circumstances, just not in the ability to pass it in the above script. If you would like to see how it's working normally send me your email address and I'll forward the newsletter to you.


Staff member
There is no reason for that. Have you tried to rewrite the full link with the full tag manually? Make sure all is on a single line.