os 10.6 import from adressbook


New Member
Hi I´ve got a problem where can I set the Fields for new fields(Kontakt, middelnam), he imports only , also when checked all fields name, surname, company and mailadress also TelNumber

Thanks David


New Member
I use the tool, i mark each cross!! And he only import first,surname. Email and company name nothing else !!!!!


Staff member
I mean, are you using 'Drag & drop' or the 'File > Import Recipients > From Address Book'? What 'cross' are you talking about? Do you mean checkboxes?


New Member
yes I mean the ceckboxes and I use the Import tool!!! It is not funny that it not works! I need a solution.

I go following way.
1.import - from adressbook.
There I can select the group okay !!! the are a lot of filds down.
Suffix ...... in the middel is the check box on the rigt is Opt3....
I can do what I want he import only the 4 Top fields !!!



Staff member
I just found out AddressBook no longer gives access to some data. Try to drag and drop an entry to your desktop. The resulting vcard file lacks the suffic as well :-/


New Member
Thanks !

But I tried it befor on 10.5 there it works!!! now I have 10.6 so cool, i cant use the programm and drag an drop for 500names is not a possible solution!! Any els??? Thanks David


Staff member
Try to report the problem to Apple. Right now AddressBook no longer gives this information.


New Member
I dont think a Apple Problem

I see the Problem on your side! there is no possibility to set what is mean with Field (Tags) Opt1-........................

BR David


Staff member
I don't understand, what do you mean? I placed debug code in MaxBulk Mailer to see what AddressBook returns when you ask for the suffix. I get nothing.