Offline Browsing of Dumped Website


New Member
I've successfully dumped a fairly large Drupal website. But when I open index.html in a browser and click any navigation or content links, I don't reach the linked pages...

Instead, I see a message like this:
This webpage is not found
No webpage was found for the web address: file:///Users/JimB/Desktop/MATW-dump-6/

Note: I do have "Re-link documents for offline browsing" checked in the General Preferences window.

I assume it's possible to navigate most dumpable websites in this way... So I'm wondering what more can be done to make this work. Thanks for your advice,

- Jim


Staff member
The problem here is that Drupal sites are dynamic, they are not static sites. I believe it is the reason why you have that problem.


New Member
Okay, thanks for the reply. I was wondering if unchecking "Rebuild original web directory structure" in Download Preferences would help with this?

I suppose it wouldn't, though, otherwise you'd have mentioned it! Are there any tricks you can recommend after the files have been downloaded to achieve an easily browsable archive?

Thanks again,


Staff member
The software tries to rebuild all links in an attempt to make the downloaded site browsable offline, that use to work fine in most situations. That option is in the software preference first panel. 'Re-link documents for offline browsing'. Is that option activated?


New Member
i also agree with you The problem here is that Drupal sites are dynamic, they are not static sites. I believe it is the reason why you have that problem.thanks