Offering Bulk iCloud Activated Mail with App specific password


New Member
Hi Members,
I am new to this community, but an old seller/helper to someone who used MaxBulk Mailer for e-mail marketing and shooting emails. I don't exactly remember what was going on, but I know a lot about my job.
I am someone who is an importer of apple devices in my country. Hence, I have access to multiple apple devices, which means, I can create and provide activated icloud mails in bulk, with app specific passwords to shoot emails.
I don't have an idea if this place is an ideal place to talk about this, but I am offering assistance.

If I want to use iCloud emails (Activated) with app specific passwords to send 1000 emails per apple/iCloud email before it gets inactive, MaxBulk Mailer is the thing, right?

Correct me if I am wrong. If you need any assistance, count me in. Thank you for reading.