Notes from a New User


New Member
We have justed started with iCash and I am wading through the entry of 2007 accounts.

In this post, I will list any small things I notice as a new user in case they are of any assistance in development.

1) Transactions - We do not currently use the Tracking field. When entering Transactions, there is often a number automatically entered into this field and I have to tab through to clear that field.

2) If I am entering a transaction and tab into 'Transaction Type', 'Origin Account" etc then start typing, Auto Complete completes the entry for me. If I type in lower case, all the fields will capitalise correctly as necessary except 'Transaction Type' which completes in lower case.

3) In some fields, such as editing Transaction Types, you cannot use command - A to select all text.

4) In editing Transaction Types, it is difficult to reorder the list as this requires many entries to be retyped. Can we have up and down arrows to move items up or down and also be able to add more entires and delete others?

5) In the Overview, accounts can be sorted by most columns including alphabetical by name. It would be good to have a custom sort to arrange accounts by name by not alphabetically. This is especially helpful for people making a transition from more traditional accounts software which often have account numbers as well as names.

to be continued....


Staff member
#1 Yes, just ignore this number if you do not use it.

#2 Ok, we have fixed it in next version.

#3, #4 and #5 Ok, I take note.


New Member
More of the same

As I have been entered a bunch of transactions, many of these comments relate to that process. Some are small annoyances but others are subtle adjustments that would have made my life easier.

Please understand that I am taking the trouble to do this not just to complain but because I like iCash and I want to support the development of future improvements.

6) Comments field does not auto complete

7) Keyboard shortcuts would help. Such as...
Command Up arrow/Down arrow for next day/ previous day
Command Right/Left for next month/last month
Command-Shift Right/Left for next tab/previous tab
Tab into a field with an attached list (such as Comments and all accounts lists) then use Up/Down to go through the list.

8) The Comments field list will only drop down, not up. With the Comments field near the bottom of the screen, the attached list should change the way it drops so that I can see more/all of the list. At present, it only drops down so I see just the first 2 entries and I need to scroll to see the rest.

9) When entering a batch of transactions, it is often the case that a number of transactions are very similar. It would help to have a batch entry option which would allow me to fix the source and target accounts and other details so I do not have to re-enter the each time.

10) In the Transactions tab I would like the option for different date range to be displayed. All of 2007, for example. I know I can see this info if I use a Query but what I want is to be able to enter transactions while looking at a list of more than the current months transactions.
Tis could also be achieved by the option to 'pop out' any sngle tab into a seperate window.

11) If I enter a day which does not appear in that month, Jan 31 for example, I know that it will not work because the 'Add' button is dimmed. I would suggest something less subtle such as a red box around the day number field.

12) The 'Ammount' field is right aligned, but if I tab into that field the selection is left aligned. I find this behaviour less helpful.